• Serve at Eggstravaganza!

    Seasonal, Event-Based

    Ready, set and hop your way over to help at the Easter Eggstravaganza at Pathfinder Church! Food, egg hunt, inflatables and more! Saturday, April 19. Please make note of the time and job description listed in the sheet linked below.

    Sign Up for one of the many positions HERE!

  • Action Team Leader

    Seasonal, flexible, based on your schedule

    Lead an Action Team of people from Pathfinder and the Community in an area of Whole Life in which you are passionate or gifted. Whether it’s Physical, Relational, Spiritual, Mental, Vocational, or Financial, leading an Action Team will help you to hone your leadership skills, build relationships, and grow in your personal Whole Life journey.

    Contact Meg Breitenstein or Theresa Peters at wholelife@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Camera Operator

    2 weekends per month and special events, as preferred

    Our Tech Team works so hard to create masterful worship experiences where people can experience the presence of God. Sign up to learn how to operate cameras to support the worship experience presented on stage. No experience required! We provide any necessary training; you just show up!

    Contact Brendan Schmidt at bschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Care Action Team Leader

    Seasonal, flexible, based on your schedule

    Lead a Care Action Team focused on a specific area of personal interest like finances/budgeting, divorce, health, parenting, grief, cancer, marriage, or employment.

    Connect with your group members, show compassion for those struggling in these areas, and guide them through your group sessions.

    Keep the Pathfinder Whole Life team informed of any issues, concerns, or needs of group members which may need follow-up or additional care.

    Contact Theresa Peters at wholelife@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Church Office Receptionist

    Be the “Front Door” to our Church during the week!

    Greet guests to our Ministry Center Offices during weekdays.

    Answer outside calls pleasantly and transfer to staff members (Training is provided before being on your own to answer the phone and greet visitors. Easy and Fun!).

    Accept deliveries and contact recipient.

    Contact receptionist@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Classroom Assistant | Kids Min

    Once a month | at either 9am or 11am

    Be an extra set of hands in the classroom to help meet kids’ needs. Help leaders serve snacks, restroom breaks, and activities. Choose from nursery through Kindergarten.

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Classroom Facilitator | Kids Min

    2–4 Sundays a month | at either 9am or 11am

    Welcome kids as they enter the room and assist and guide small group leaders or assistants in completing their lessons or caring for kids each week. Choose from infants through 5th grade ages.

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Communion Prep

    4 weeks/year

    Team members work together to prepare communion on Saturday mornings of Communion weekends (2Xs per month). Team members take turns being on hand during services to refresh the elements and clean up after services. Be part of a team that serves God and our community.

    Contact Tara Reimann at tareimann@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Communion Serving Team

    1-2 weekends per month

    Serve communion 1-2 two times per month. This a great way to serve without extra time commitment; simply serve communion at the worship service you already attend. Requirements: Complete communion training with the Hospitality Director, understand and agree with Pathfinders’ Communion theology, and be willing to sign Pathfinder’s leadership affirmation.


    Contact Tara Reimann at tareimann@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • CORE Greeter

    Once a month | Sundays 10:45-11:30am

    Welcome middle school students and assist them with checkin at CORE on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Greeters may be friendly high school students or adults.

    Contact Jeremy Hetzel at jhetzel@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • CORE Mentor

    Weekly | Sundays 10:30am-12:15pm

    Be a mentor for middle school students and help build up the next generation at Pathfinder! Mentors may be Emerging Leaders (high school students) or adults. Attend CORE, lead small group discussions for middle school students, and build meaningful mentoring relationships with local students.

    Contact Jeremy Hetzel at jhetzel@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Facilities Volunteer

    Help us keep our campus beautiful! 

    • Maintain landscaping
    • Snow removal & maintenance
    • General Cleaning

    Contact Dan Winkelman at dwinkleman@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Friday Frenzie Team | Kids Min

    Once/Month on Friday Evenings / 7:00 PM TO 8:30 PM

    Help make this once-per-month experience for 4th and 5th graders fun and safe by assisting with games, check-in, or serving pizza.

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Instrumental Worship Artist

    Monthly (varies) | 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM

    Share your musical gifts with our church community on weekends!

    Play your instrument in weekend Worship Services. (Guitar, Piano, Drums, etc)

    Practice assigned Worship music independently in preparation for rehearsal.

    On weeks you are serving, a Wednesday evening rehearsal is required

    Contact Jonathan NaThalang at jnathalang@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Kids Min Hospitality

    Once a month

    Be a smiling face to welcome families to Kids Min. Help our families check in on designated iPads and ensure Kids Min area stays safe and secure.

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Large Group Leader | Kids Min

    Once a month

    Serve on the large group stage team teaching Bible stories in a fun and creative way using a script that is provided. Engage kids from the stage in fun games that teach the theme for the month.

    Contact Tiffany Sloane at tsloane@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Large Group Tech

    Once a month | Both Sunday Services

    Run simple technology for the Pathfinder Kids stage production. Opportunities to run tech for our once-a-month 4th & 5th grade Friday Frenzie events—includes operating stage lighting, soundboard, and audio/visual media.

    Contact Tiffany Sloane at tsloane@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Large Group Worship Leader | Kids Min

    1 Sunday a month | Both Sunday services

    Lead kids in worship on Sunday mornings as a part of our worship/dance team. Worship Leaders learn the songs, motions, and dance moves in advance at home with provided videos. Great opportunity for students in 4th grade and up.

    Contact Tiffany Sloane at tsloane@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • LaViste Visitor


    Assist Pathfinder’s Care Team with maintaining connection and care for our church’s shut-in members.

    • Make monthly visits to assigned shut-in member
    • Maintain connection with phone calls, notes, cards, etc., between visits or when visits are not possible.
    • Keep Pathfinder’s Care Team updated regarding visits, other contacts, and needs of assigned shut-in.

    Contact Kim Leadbetter at receptionist@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Mission Team Leader

    Seasonal, Short-Term

    Opportunities exist for you to lead one of our upcoming International Mission Trips with people from Pathfinder and our Community. These short-term mission trips connect people to life-changing experiences, transforming the servant and the served.

    Contact Kelly Reinhart at kreinhart@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Mission Team Participant

    Seasonal, Short-Term

    Opportunities exist for you to join one of our upcoming International Mission Trips with people from Pathfinder and our Community. These short-term mission trips connect people to life-changing experiences, transforming the servant and the served.

    Contact Kelly Reinhart at kreinhart@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Photographer

    Capture the active life at Pathfinder Church during worship and events! 

    • Use creativity and technical skills to capture those moments. Understand the fundamentals and principles of photography, such as framing the shot and use of lighting.
    • Able to use equipment efficiently or willingness to learn. Having your own equipment is a plus, but not required.
    • Great opportunity to practice your skills, build your photography portfolio, see your photos on our website, social media, and marketing materials!

    Contact Kaitlyn Schmidt at kschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Production Team Member

    • Help create an atmosphere where people can experience the presence of God.
    • Operate, lights and screens to support the worship experience presented on stage.
    • No experience required, any necessary training will be provided.

    Contact Brendan Schmidt at bschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Proofreader

    Varies/As needed

    Volunteers with a keen eye for spotting typos and grammatical errors in print and digital media are needed for proofreading monthly and/or quarterly publications such as Faith Matters. Schedule varies and is flexible.

    Contact Kaitlyn Schmidt at kschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Pop-Up Leader

    • Choose a hobby/event you enjoy and want to share with others in our Pathfinder community; pick a date to host the event; meet, connect or grow with others that are like minded.
    • This is a low commitment opportunity to connect with others and help us grow stronger together as a church community outside of weekend worship.

    Contact Tara Reimann at tareimann@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Small Group Leader | Kids Min

    2–4 Sundays a month | either 9am or 11am

    Be the leader of a small group of approximately six kids, getting to know them and guiding them through activities and the provided weekly lesson. You may choose from ages Pre-K through 5th grade. Must have a loving, caring attitude toward children, be friendly, fun, and approachable, and have a heart for leading kids to a relationship with Jesus.

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

    Once a month

    Provide treats for approximately 40 Kids Min volunteers. Treats can be sweet, spicy, salty—whatever you choose. Directly impact Sunday morning Kids Min volunteers in a positive, yummy way!

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Special Needs Buddy | Kids Min

    Most Sundays

    Ensure a positive Kids Ministry experience for both special needs children and parents by being a buddy to children who need additional one-on-one assistance during our programming. Training is provided, and we have students standing by to be matched. Help bring hope and connection to a family who needs you!

    Contact Lisa Schmidt at lschmidt@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Summit Adult Mentor

    Weekly | Wednesdays 6:45-8:30pm

    Be an adult mentor for high school students and help build up the next generation at Pathfinder. Lead small group discussions for high school students and build meaningful mentoring relationships with local teens.

    Contact Jeremy Hetzel at jhetzel@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Summit Greeter

    Weekly | Wednesdays 6:45-7:30pm

    Welcome high school students and assist them with checkin at Summit on Wednesdays at 7pm.

    Contact Jeremy Hetzel at jhetzel@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Summit Snack Provider

    Once a Month

    Provide a snack for high school students at Summit (Wednesdays at 7:00pm).

    Contact Jeremy Hetzel at jhetzel@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Weekend Hospitality Team

    Twice a Month

    Help create a welcoming environment by greeting and caring for our community as they enter and exit our campus for weekend worship. Be part of a team dedicated to ensuring people are seen, known, and cared for.

    Contact Tara Reimann at tareimann@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Worship Emcee

    Monthly (varies) | 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM

    Use your upfront speaking skills to serve our church community on weekends!

    Worship Emcees welcome and orient worshippers and present next-step opportunities and giving moments during weekend Worship Services. On the weekends they serve, emcees must be available to attend all three Worship Services, service walk-thrus, and have adequate time to prepare in advance.

    Contact Jonathan NaThalang at jnathalang@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.

  • Vocal Worship Artist

    Monthly (varies) | 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM

    Lead our congregation in Worship by sharing your musical gifts with our church community on weekends!

    Serving in weekend Worship (Saturday and Sunday) by singing on the platform.

    Practicing assigned Worship music independently in preparation for rehearsal.

    Rehearsing with the team on Wednesday evenings in preparation for weekend services (required)

    Praying in front of groups, leading spontaneous moments, and growing in vocal leadership.

    Contact Jonathan NaThalang at jnathalang@pathfinderstl.org to learn more and sign up.