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Team-Building | AJ Mastic

Mar 30, 2025

Even though we pay disproportionate attention to superstars, the fact is that even the greatest players can’t win without a team around them. Some ...

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Message Archive

Don't Settle for Certain


We all crave certainty in life, but at what cost? In this series, we will look at what we lose when we seek to gain certainty.

Who Do You Say I Am


Who is Jesus to you? How would you introduce Him to someone else? The fact that the Bible has four distinct Gospel accounts tells us that there are many different facets to Jesus’s identity and story. By exploring the unique angles of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we can encounter Jesus with a fresh sense of wonder, and embrace the call to curate His story for our neighbors today!

The Lost Craft of Hard Conversations


The world feels more polarized and disconnected than ever! People know how to disagree with each other, but we’ve lost the art of maintaining connection that can survive conflict. How do we have hard conversations in a productive way with people we care about? How do we have relationship-building connections with people we’d like to be closer with? In this series, we’ll explore the many complex conflicts that David had, as a soldier, rebel, and king. We’ll see how he navigated them with tact and skill (sometimes), and we’ll gain insights that help us turn our own conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection!

The First Domino


Each new year begins with a fresh hope for a clean slate for the coming year. But, year after year those hopes are usually dashed within weeks. In this series, we will look at how to set into motion real, lasting change.



Only Human


Compared to a God of infinite ability, it seems like limitations are a defining factor of the human experience. We spend a good deal of effort in life trying to overcome the impediments of our humanity; but what if, in doing so, we’re actually overwriting the parts of life that give it meaning? Instead of viewing our humanity as fundamentally flawed, what if we were created to embrace our limits in order to truly thrive?

All Ways – Always


The world can be an inhospitable, threatening place: Wars, refugees, political instability & civil unrest joined with the traumas of our pasts and our crippling fears over the future. In this series we’ll learn to embrace the promises and presence of God, who is always with us, so that we can live with a sense of peace and safety, no matter how turbulent life may be.

Some Assembly Required


There’s an old proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far; go together.” In our culture, we idealize the myth of the self-made individual. But, in fact, we never actually accomplish anything lasting in isolation. We were designed to work best, together. And God gave us a setting for gathering—The Church! But, because the Church is a broken community, made up of broken people, many have begun to wonder what’s the point in gathering as an “assembly of believers” very often, if at all. In this series, we’ll look at the struggles of the early church, as revealed in the book of 1st Peter, to see why assembling together might still be worth it!

Around the Corner


So often, people go to great lengths to discover purpose and meaning in life. What if your true purpose was just around the corner? Jesus says there is one simple concept that can make our life instantly better (Luke 10:27-28). What if we believed Jesus—that a few, simple tweaks could make a transformative impact on your life and your community? In this series, listen to Jesus’ directions, walk with us through your own neighborhood, and consider some basic questions about your life—you’ll see that true purpose is closer than you think!

Pathfinders: Past & Present


Pathfinders exemplify unconditional acceptance, a true-to-life approach, they inspire connections, and embark on a God-directed journey. This has been true of true pathfinders throughout the ages. In this series, we’ll be inspired by the examples of some of the original Pathfinders in the Bible, so we can continue to live as pathfinders today.

Authority on Demand


We all have different feelings about authority. Some naturally respect authority, while others consider it a right to wield control over their own life and choices. But God has designed the world to work best when things are rightly ordered. And God's followers are called to live in a healthy tension between the extreme uses (and abuses) of power all around us. In this series, we'll consider a Christian ethic of authority and power in multiple facets of life. We'll learn how to live in the grey areas. We'll consider how to apply authority graciously, as well as how to submit to (or reject) authority thoughtfully

Me, Myself, & Why?


“I am _____.” How do you usually fill in the blank? In life, we are pushed to define ourselves over and over again. But what if our deepest sense of identity isn’t anything we have to define or prove? What if it’s something that’s been freely given that we are invited to discover and steward?

Operation: 611


Many of us are becoming aware that the world has shifted around us. Without our permission, the majority of our culture no longer shares historically Christian values. That’s in addition to other demographic changes that leave many of us feeling confused and like outsiders in a once-familiar world. The good news is that the Christian faith has never depended on majority status in order to be effective, as many members of our faith family have experienced their whole lives. In this series, we’ll learn to embrace the tools that make our faith and witness effective even as we lose prominence and status in society. We may even discover that our true power comes when we let ourselves become like strangers and aliens.

Past Forward


In this series, we'll explore how we can become more inter-generationally focused in our approach to living, personally and as a church. And we'll seek to answer an important question: How do we become grateful recipients of the past and not be constrained by it?

A Life Built to Last


We’ve all experienced the difference between a knockoff product that looks as good as the genuine article but then wears out way too soon. In the same way, as we try to build a life of meaning—there’s a path of cheap fixes and short-term rewards. And then there’s the wise path that leads to a well-crafted, truly fulling life. Join us as we work through the book of Proverbs and learn how to build a life that “wins favor and a good name in the sight of God and man” (Prov. 3:4).

The Wonder of With


The greatest promise of the Christmas Season is the “Immanuel promise.” God is now with us. But Jesus wasn’t the first time that God was present with his people. God’s desire to be with us is evident from the beginning of time and still can be experienced today. In this series, we’ll marvel at the ways God has shown us that HE IS WITH US.

Broken Heroes


Bible heroes are just like us—messy and broken and called by God. God used them to do important work, in spite of their faults. We can be inspired because—in the same way—God loves, calls, and uses us for divine impact. Our flaws do not disqualify us; they help us lean all the more on God’s power and grace. God’s work will always prevail, because of his goodness and faithfulness—not ours!

Return. Rebuild. Reimagine


After coming through the worst of a global pandemic, it is now time to Return, Rebuild, Reimagine. In this series, we encourage a return to community, flesh and blood relationships, and a life of mission because we have the opportunity to not only rebuild what was lost but reimagine a future with greater wholeness that only God could have in store for us.

Lead Like Jesus


Whether you have positional leadership or influence others around you at work, home, or school, your leadership matters. In this series, we look at the greatest man and leader who ever lived to learn tactics of how we can be better leaders of the people entrusted to us.

Waiting on the World to Change


What the world needs most is for the people of God to embrace the fullness of our calling. When we bravely follow Jesus and do what he invites us to do, the world will change for the better, starting with us. In this series we’ll look at some simple but powerful things we’re called to do that bring powerful, needed change into our world.

The Good Book


The Bible is supposed to be GOOD NEWS! But sometimes it can be read as if it’s anything but. What turns life-giving truth into something scary, heavy, or confusing? Bad hermeneutics! Hermeneutics are the theory and methodology of how we interpret the Scriptures. In this series we’ll share some bedrock hermeneutical principles that will help you spot falsehoods and half-truths, and give you the ability to approach the scriptures with more clarity and to see the Bible again as a GOOD BOOK!