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Reclaiming Our Humanity in a High-Tech World

Technology is always disruptive. Sometimes the disruptions are welcomed changes that make life safer and better; other times the changes leave us wondering if we were better off beforehand. Every generation has had to learn how to adapt when innovation changes their world, but these days, the rate of change and the level of advancement have disrupted nearly every part of what it means to be “human.” In this series, we’ll learn how to live in a changing world, while protecting the core of what makes us, us.

Cheating Death

Sep 22, 2024

Planted deep within all humans is a desire to live forever because that’s what we were created to do! But ever since we were thrown out of the Garden, we’ve had to face the unkind reality of death—something that we know is inevitable, but nevertheless feels unnatural. As technological advances have reignited the possibility that we might be able to cheat death, should we buy into the promises that with enough advancement, we’ll never have to say goodbye to our loved ones??

Connecting in a Digital Age

Sep 15, 2024

What does it truly mean to connect with another person? Can it happen on a FaceTime screen or by following each other’s newsfeeds? Is a 90 day snapchat streak a surefire sign of a real connection? In a world where people are considered “friends” because we click a button and we “do church” online, how do we know if technology is serving our relationships well or working to their detriment?

Restoring our Rhythms

Sep 8, 2024

The natural world used to give us cues of when it was time to work or rest, sow or reap, sleep or wake, wear shorts or sweaters the rhythms of creation demanded and almost guaranteed that there would be no overindulgence in anything and we would find abundance in all the rich states of our existence. With advancements in technology, however, we’ve thrown off nature’s rhythms, but in so doing, have we become masters over Creation, or have we been mastered by what we’ve created? 

The Value of Work

Aug 25, 2024

We’ve been long promised that technology will make our lives easier, reduce the number of hours we work, remove unpleasant labor from the equation, and deliver us into lives of greater leisure. Despite those promises, for the last 70 years, life has moved in the other direction. But now, with new advances in robotics and AI, it finally seems that there could be a world where the machines do all the work, and we simply enjoy life! But is work really what stands in the way of our enjoyment of life? And what do we stand to lose in such a world?

Finding Our Place Again

Aug 18, 2024

Over time, people have defined what it means to be human in different ways (rationality, creativity, ethics and morals). For Christians, we have looked to the Book of Genesis to understand the place of honor we’re given in and over creation. But in a world where artificial intelligence is quickly encroaching on territory that once only belonged to us, how do we understand and maintain our uniqueness in creation?