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The All Y'all Doctrine

Jesus' final commission to his followers—as he ascended into heaven—was to share His good news with all the world. We naturally have a tendency to focus on the people who have the most in common with us, but Jesus Christ tells us that His community will include a shockingly diverse group of people. As C.S. Lewis said, “It takes all sorts to make a world; or a church. This may be even truer of a church. If grace perfects nature it must expand all our natures into the full richness of the diversity which God intended when He made them, and Heaven will display far more variety than Hell.” In this series, we’ll learn, from Jesus’ example, how to invite—and exist alongside—people of all ages, all nations, all values, and all stations.

Even the Tax Collectors?!

Feb 25, 2024

God’s values are so expansive that no individual person could pursue all of them, let alone hold them all in tension. Left to ourselves, we’ll prioritize the biblical values that come most easily to us, or are most attuned to our own lives and histories. How do we avoid making godly morality something that we each pick and choose for ourselves?

Even the Lepers?

Feb 18, 2024

The American experiment was to create a society not bound by the rigid structures of social class. And yet, it can be uncomfortable to socialize with people who are significantly wealthier—or significantly poorer—than we are. It only seems to promote resentment or envy! Which may be the reason we prefer to live and associate with others who are in the same career field, live in the same neighborhoods, and share the same economic class. How could risking the discomfort—and all the potential faux pas—of associating with those far wealthier or poorer than we are, actually make life richer for all of us?

Even the Children

Feb 11, 2024

Everywhere you look, people naturally group themselves by age and season of life. From retirees gathering at McDonald’s to young families doing play dates together—it’s easier to stick with people your own age. But what are we costing ourselves by not maintaining relationships with people in all stages of life?

Even the Samaritan

Feb 4, 2024

It’s seemingly hard-wired into us to create loyalty groups. It’s easier to connect with someone who shares the same affinity for a sports team, patriotic fervor, or religious label. We sort ourselves into tribes, and narrow our frame of reference. Can we worship God sufficiently from only our own group’s perspective?