Action Team Signup

Untying the Knots of the Heart

Co-Ed 18+
Whole Life Category: Mental
Schedule: Sundays - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: Pathfinder Campus


  • Chris Sturges

In this Action Team, we’ll examine the background mental thought processes, habits, and emotions that predominate behind the scenes in order to become more aware of them as well as be more intentional about how we handle stress, negative emotions, and the way we live. Throughout the entire process, we’ll seek to reorient those soundtracks to help us to better serve our family, friends, the world around us, and our God. Materials will be provided by the leader. Come with an open heart and willingness to complete reflective activites, both individual and with the group. This team meets weekly for 10 weeks starting on 2/4/24. Meeting schedule and details will be communicated by the leader.

Work Entry